Monday, August 11, 2008

Newsletter August 11, 2008

WHEW! What a whirlwind the past few weeks have been. GOD is AWESOME, I just gotta say that! WOW!

Thank you for praying for summer camp with the Seinan Jo Gakuin Jr. High and High School students. The camp was awesome! It was the best group of girls we've ever had. We hit it off with them from the beginning and they were so attentive in the worship times. We had a great time playing with them on the beach and at the bonfire closing time. We did some fireworks together that night too and we were sad to say good-bye to them all. We will get to read their response forms soon, and look forward to hearing how God touched them during camp!

CMA has come and gone :( boohooobooohooo! Our house feels soooooooooo empty! But what an incredible week with those 8 godly, Jesus-loving girls! You can read details of their time in Japan at their Mission Log. Their time in Kitakyushu is featured on log pages 11 and 12. Some pictures of their major concert can be found on our photographer June's blog. Every year with CMA is a huge blessing. We may never know how many seeds were planted, how many lives were touched by their dance and their testimonies. We get a glimpse into some of God's work though. One member of our church brought her daughter and her daughter's friend along to the concert. Earlier that day the young friend had been asking many questions about God. The testimonies at the concert each answered directly her questions that day and she was in tears. She told her friend, "God spoke to ME tonight!" AWESOME!!!!!!! Look forward to next year if it is the Lord's will for our girls to come back again!

This last week was full of ministry, meetings, and some time with friends since summer is when most people can get away for some fun stuff! We always love the chance to spend a little bit of quality time with seeking friends, meet friends of Christian friends and build relationships for planting more seeds.

Today we are preparing to leave again. We'll be heading to central Japan to lead worship and speak at some summer conferences, camps and special church events. Please pray for safe travel, divine appointments and health during the trip. We are pretty much on our last leg, really needing some true rest and refreshment, but know that God will provide all that we need for this last summer ministry engagment! We appreciate your prayers so much!

I am including some pictures of ministry for your enjoyment! We would love to hear from you, leave us a comment or drop us an email!

For His Glory,
The Ayatsuka's

Heading to the beach with our camp girls...

Firworks at camp...

A bonus picture of Saturday morning English Circle ministry...

With CMA

Pinata Japan style! Blindfolded with a stick, only the target is watermelon!

Eating Chinese dumplings they made themselves!

Blowing bubbles with kindergarten kids!

The Finale! After an awesome concert!


Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord for all these things. My girls watched some of the CMA dance videos and LOVED them. They are involved with a homeschool ballet class that they dance to classical or Christian and are taught to "dance for Jesus"... they really enjoyed it--would have loved to have been there with you all in person!

Praying for your next round of ministry!!


Amy Nobles said...

Hey there Mar Mar and Rock Star! Love this post and am so glad to see you healthy and doing what God has totally called you to do. You are so faithful and precious! I just love you!
I started a new blog. I have been in Europe the last 3 weeks sharing Jesus and meeting many workers here. its been incredible. currently in madrid. keep up with me via