Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Newsletter November 28, 2007

Fall is moving into winter, and we are moving on into the Christmas part of our concert schedule.

We just returned from one AMAZING week WAYYYYYYYYY up North in Aomori prefecture. It was cold and snowy, but full of blessing and fun. We did 12 concerts in 9 days, and ate lots of lots of Thanksgiving dinner (most of the concerts were dinner parties with turkey and all the fixings)! What a blessing to see the amazing ministry of Martin and Ruth Ghent, their 5 church plants, and more! We learned some of that area's dialect of Japanese too which is sooooo different, I couldn't believe it was actually the same language. But most of all LOTS of seekers and first time attenders were exposed to the Gospel. Please pray for those who were in attendance that God continue to work in their hearts and allow those churches to reap a harvest of many new believers in the months ahead, for the Kingdom and glory of God!

Now we move into December and Christmas concerts. We have something every weekend, and special Christmas meetings on weekdays too. Please pray specifically for the Christmas party with my Mother's Bible study at one of the kindergarten's where we teach. This little group of ladies have really enjoyed the Bible study as we meet monthly and I am hoping that this simple little gathering for Christmas will give us more of a chance to get to know them and share more with them.

We always appreciate your prayers for safety as we travel so much this time of year. May the Lord be glorified in all that we say and do!

For Him in Japan,
Rocky, Marla and Hana

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